Auszüge aus den GLP-Sitzungen Mai bis August 2007:

5.Mai 2007:

Wie werden Bush und Co der Welt das Lehnen nach links erklären?

12.Mai 2007:

Wann werden die Medien Lecks herauslassen, wenn die Extreme zunehmen?
Alternative Energien in der Nachzeit

19.Mai 2007:

Wie den Dienst-für-andere-Menschen beim Polsprung geholfen wird

26.Mai 2007:

Wie wird Mitteleuropa, insbesondere Tschechien und Slowakei, beim Polsprung fahren?

2.Juni 2007:

Kompasse nach dem Polsprung
Aktualisierung des PDF über die sicheren Orte
Roter Staub vor dem Polsprung
Remote Viewing nach dem Polsprung
Weniger essen nach dem Polsprung
Menschen mit Behinderungen nach dem Polsprung

9.Juni 2007:

Neuer Führer im Weißen Haus, der die Welt auf den Polsprung vorbereitet?
Ablenkung und Desinformation von den Medien bis zum letzten Moment?

16.Juni 2007:

Wenn Bush und andere versuchen, gesellschaftlichen Kollaps zu begrenzen
Kornkreise 2007
Familie und Freunde in Verleugnung, nicht genug Lebensmittel da

23.Juni 2007:

Planet X in Relation zur Erde
Werden sich Dienst-für-andere-Seelen in den Hybriden inkarnieren?
Werden Zeta-Fluggeräte nach dem Polsprung offen herumfliegen?
Welches Gebiet wird am besten 5 Jahre nach dem Passage sein?
Wird die Regierung die Bevölkerung mißbrauchen?
Update auf das Rollen von Planet X
Warum kein Datum gegeben wird/ die Zeichen, nach denen man schauen soll
Zwischen den 3 dunklen Tagen und dem Polsprung, gibt es da normale Sonnenuntergänge?
Nachbarschaften und kleine Survivalgruppen

30.Juni 2007:

Wie lange kann man sicher in den Städten bis zu den letzten Wochen leben?
Ewige Energiepacks nach dem Polsprung
Ist das Überleben schwieriger, wenn der Polsprung im Herbst/Winter passiert?
Zetahinweise für diejenigen, die sich mit einem Doppelleben abmühen

7.Juli 2007:

"Ruhiges" Trimester
Arme, junge Leute in unsicheren Gebieten

14.Juli 2007:

Wie lange nach dem Polsprung werden Aliens ihre fortgeschrittene Technologie zu uns bringen?
Wie lange werden die neuen Polkappen nach dem Polsprung Eis ansammeln?
Ernährung für Pflanzen, die Landwirtschaft in der Nachzeit einfacher machen

21.Juli 2007:

Rassistische Militias in der Nachzeit

28.Juli 2007:

Hilfe für Dienst-für-andere-Gruppen und gemischte Gruppen in der Nachzeit

11.August 2007:

Niedriges Profil, wenn man mit Familie und Freunden bezüglich Planet X umgeht
Minimale Entfernung von AKWs beim Polsprung
Wann kracht die ökonomische Infrastruktur zusammen? Wann kommt der Tauschhandel?

18.August 2007:

Verhältnis von Land und Wasser nach dem Polsprung

25.August 2007:

Besondere Gruppe/Clan oder Union nach dem Polsprung, auf die die Leute schauen werden
Polarisierung vor und nach dem Polsprung

5.Mai 2007:

Can the Zetas comment on how in the world Bush and Co and other governments expect to be able to explain an extreme lean to the left and the Sun being even more out of place than it is becoming even now along with actual Planet X sightings? The "comet swarm" may work for a while for Planet X but it will not explain a Sunrise North. Will Martial Law be out of the question when this obviously manifests, hopefully?

At the start of ZetaTalk, the establishment braced for increased earthquakes, red dust, the sighting of an orb next to the Sun, and a time of heat. Some of this was gleaned from folklore, some from ZetaTalk, some from conferences with ourselves, the Zetas, who spoke to MJ12 behind the scenes. To cover the heat, the drought, they adopted Global Warming. The increased quakes were covered by instructions to the USGS to reduce the Richter and drop quakes from the databases to the extent that any statistics drawn from these tables would look like no increase was occurring. Any red dust incidences was to be covered by the Sahara, which has been blamed for red dust in the US and Europe whenever it appears. Somehow, the dust goes in great swirls, landing in the US, so is the story promoted. Chemtrails, a plot hatched years ago, are being used to fog the view of the Second Sun, which in any case is hard to see when the Sun is fully up and glaring. ZetaTalk, in 1995 and until 2003 or so did not talk about the wobble. It had not explained the 270° roll. The Earth wobble that developed in early 2004 was at first mild, and was ignored as no excuse had been arranged. Now that the wobble has gotten more extreme, the establishment is at a loss as to how to explain this. It's erratic, so changing the sunrise/set location would be self defeating. They hope to ignore it until the last weeks. They plan to call any orbs noted near the Sun as either an atmospheric effect, like a sundog, or an asteroid swarm reflecting sunlight. A strong lean to the left or a strong wobble that lasts more than weeks is a horror they fear, assuring themselves always that this would happen quickly, and be bunker time. If the wobble into a lean is for an extensive period, great drama will play out in the halls of power! Watch for this!

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12.Mai 2007:

The media is starting to get on board a bit regarding recent weather catastrophes it seems, especially this past week. Will additional increases in extreme weather, coupled with earthquakes be enough to cause inadvertent slips as to the cause? There have been some recent sightings of Planet X behind a smoky sky next to the sun in the Southeast, at dawn and dusk as well as the Sun too far North for this time of year as has been discussed in previous ZetaTalk. Is there any chance that governments in power will realize that the truth will come out and that they need to get ahead of it to maintain any credibility as anomalies increase in severity and frequency? If Pelosi assumes power will the government be less harsh and more forthcoming with Planet X disclosures? I understand that there is no easy way to announce anything and even a Service-to-Other based government would have an extreme dilemma on their hands, but for the best outcome, at some point people need to be told so that they can base their own personal responses on the truth it seems.

This issue of when the coverup will snap, and when deliberate notification of the populace occurs, is so much in the hands of man that it cannot be predicted with any accuracy. People snap, when under the pressure that a coverup ensures, especially when the coverup requires they turn their backs on the common man, whom they may have great compassion for. Someone can snap in a moment, grab the mic and blurt something out! On the other hand, this kind of pressure may make people simply commit suicide, feeling boxed in and certain they could not succeed in informing the public. It can go so many ways. We cannot say more on the subject than has already been stated. Pelosi has great compassion but considers what an announcement will do for general panic and the mass migration of millions, who will then be parked in corn fields demanding to be fed and housed! What if there is then a delay of months or years! There is agony, but whether this will result in a breaking cover-up is uncertain!

A simple question, but with large positive implications. For preparing for the "after-time" do we need to develop alternative energy now and is this with rotating magnets a right track?

We have stated that wind and water power will be the best sources for electrical energy in the Aftertime. Drilling for oil, certainly refining oil and distribution, will cease after the pole shift. Stores will rupture and go up in flames. Such solutions as burning corn or wood for fuel are self limiting as vegetation will be struggling for a couple decades due to reduced sunlight. Thus, wind and water. Any other means known to man should be evaluated accordingly. Bear in mind that replacement of parts is a key issue, so that permanent magnets used in cars and electrical tools can be used to capture electricity from wind and water motion, but any device more complex may falter on lack of parts.

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19.Mai 2007:

Is it right to say that many human beings will be protected at the time of the occurrences of the polar inversion? Or death will be a natural selection? How we know if a person will be saved or not, do you think is there a possibility to see this, to differentiate one from the other? How do we know the people who we could trust? How can we help the human beings after the occurrences, so that they would suffer less, because everybody would be crazy, right?

The Earth is your school house, for you to react to opportunities presenting, and thus sort out your spiritual orientation, Service-to-Other or Service-to-Self. We have stated that Service-to-Other individuals, those truely practicing the Golden Rule and thinking of others 50% of the time, are offered a lift whereby they will not die during the pole shift but will be set somewhere, surviving. This is not truely rescue, as the horror is all about them! Most Service-to-Other individuals given this option decline, thinking of those they are responsible for, and chosing to be with them in their hour of need. Obviously, those more physically fit are more likely to survive, but after the pole shift itself, survival depends on Service-to-Other or Service-to-Self aliance. Those who are Service-to-Other cooperate with each other, and fare better. Those who are Service-to-Self loot and when this is no longer possible, they turn on each other. They thus die out. Those undecided, which are in the majority, prefer neither the Service-to-Other camps, which are too serious minded for them, nor the Service-to-Self camps, and fare much as life today. Separation will increasingly occur. There is no simple answer as to whom to trust, as you must develop an antenna to determine this. There are clear signs you are dealing with Service-to-Self - although they lie, all their action serve themselves, in the end.

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26.Mai 2007:

I would be interested in how Central Europe will fare during the poleshift, especially Slovak and Czech republic.

Europe will become a series of islands after the shift, with Siberia and much of Russia under water. We have encouraged Europe to go to boats, prepare boats strong enough for ocean fishing, as the oceans will be on the rebound after the shift, with all the death under the water to feed upon, and fishing will be abundant. Likewise Greenland will have fresh drinking water, a good commerce for those interested. How your particular slice of Europe will fare depends completely on its current elevation! On average, 675 feet above current sea level will be under water. You surely know your elevation! Compute this! A second factor to consider is migration, as all survivors assume they are only suffering a local catastrophe and wander. Some places in Europe will suffer more from migration than others.

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2.Juni 2007:

Compasses, a year or earlier after the pole shift , will the magnetic North be close to new N. pole? Should I bother with a compass?

We have predicted that the magnetic and geographic N Poles will be closer together after the shift than at present. But as we have detailed in the body of ZetaTalk, magnetics will be extremely erratic for years, after the shift. There are other means of gaining your bearings, which are recommended. To the extent you can see the stars, these will be more constant. Certainly, where the Sun rises and sets will be a constant, with a graph or chart marked after your first year being a guide. Learn landmarks, make new maps. All will change, and you will not be traveling far, unless on water, and there hopefully the stars can give bearing.

What are the chances there will be updates to the PDF posted on ZetaTalk, showing the new locations of the poles and how the various countries and cities fare during the shift? What are the variables involved?

In describing the pole shift, the signs to watch for going into the shift, the effect on various parts of the globe, we have attempted to be general enough that the message can be grasped by newcomers, yet detailed enough that those pondering their survival can find their answers. Most often, when questions are asked of Nancy, she can point to where this information is already within ZetaTalk. Nonetheless, people want a hand held tour, especially when anxious. They will ask about countries not even going to the page where links to the safe location information for that country is posted! Even if we detailed more, it would never be enough. If we state that a particular city will be under water, they want an answer from the Zetas addressing a particular street in that city, such is the mindset of those in a state of panic and making demands. Thus, we don't anticipate expanding the information, which is intended to give a general answer, not one so complicated with extraneous information that the reader gives up and just runs to Nancy.

Would the zetas care to expand on what they've said about the red dust? To what extent will it affect daily life and how long will it be severe?

We have stated that a light red dust will appear on occasion, and this has occurred, in 2003 and returning, recently, in 2007. This will become heavier, noticed all around the globe, affecting the sunrise and sunset and making the Moon a blood red color. All this will be excused as dust from the Sahara or industrial polution or dust from volcanic eruptions, as has been the case, the excuses given. It is not until the last days, frankly, when the red dust is so heavy that rivers and ponds are routinely turned blood red. In case you have missed all the other signs, like 3 days of darkness, this is one of the signs that you should take cover!

Will Remote viewing be of any use to us right before or even after the pole shift?

Telepathy, which is what remote viewing is, is on the increase now among humans, who are in some cases being modified at their request to better utilize their latent abilities, as was Nancy. After the pole shift, there will be no phones, no satellites, and long distance communications gone. Telepathy knows no distance when the brains are on the same wave length, as you say. Thus, an excellent way for families separated from each other to locate one another, and for villages to communicate distress or a good harvest to share with one another! Note these abilities are being given to those humans in the Service-to-Other, as the Service-to-Self consider tapping into one anothers thoughts a burden, akin to empathy, and avoid telepathy. Thus, will not be a tool looting gangs or those wanting to seek opportunities to take advantage of the weak will be using. It will be a tool of the good hearted!

I noticed i need to eat less lately, and it's not just me. I've heard the same thing from several other people. Is it possible there are changes going on in our bodies which will help certain people (maybe just STO?) living in the aftermath of poleshift?

The human body has such dials to be adjusted, during starvation or plenty. In many industrialized countries, where there has been food in abundance, obesity is becoming the norm! Man has mechanisms to avoid obesity, Type 2 diabetes being one of them, as if not corrected will cause drastic weight reduction, and then voile, the person is no longer diabetic! When food is abundant, the body rids itself of excess, protectively. When food is scarce, it conserves, although the human may feel weak at times, energy at a low. Thus, you are just triggering your bodies natural reactions, we suspect.

I work with children and adults with "disabilities" how will these peoples fair after Earth changes?

We have stated that the pole shift will be a great equalizer, when the rich are thrown upon themselves in the same manner the poor find themselves in. It is those with disabilities, that have lived with them all their lives, who will take these changes most equanimacably. Those being dispossed will moan and wail, demanding their life be put back aright again! Mental illness will be rampant, fully 43% of all survivors stricken in some way. Those who have lived with mental illness will be their guides, in this! Thus, as with all answers regarding the free will of man, it depends! Those with disabilities may come into their own!

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9.Juni 2007:

Assuming that for whatever reason, at some point in the near future, prior to the pole shift we have a true, responsible leader in the White House. Is it likely that we will be able to quickly repair our relations with other countries and cooperate in preparing for the shift on a Global basis for the overall good?

We have predicted that as the pole shift approaches, that countries will look inward, not attack each other but be intent on quelling riots and dealing with food shortages and disasters creating homelessness. There will be no overall plan among countries, as none will be willing to cooperate with others, all being in a crisis. Borders will harden, migration discouraged even within a country.

Will the government sponsored attempts at disinformation and distraction occur even after there is no longer any question about the presence of Niburu, or will the tactics as seen here today continue on until even the last possible moment? Will there be a moment when attempts to discourage the disemination of your message will finally have a stop put to them?

We are anticipating many surprises that will hopefully put a crack in the coverup. Just what these surprises are, is not to be stated, as then of course it would no longer be a surprise. We have also stated that we anticipate Nancy being very much in the media at some point, as someone who can describe the coming pole shift in a manner that can be discredited, since she is only a woman talking to aliens, but as someone with a track record on predictions. Thus, those who can listen without panic will do so, and those who will panic can deny. Troubled Times is the best website on survival preparation bar none, and Nancy as web mistress is well versed in all aspects of the databank. But just what happens, in this or that country, when our surprises emerge, is in the hands of man almost entirely. Thus, no predictions can be made!

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16.Juni 2007:

If Bush and others (Puppet Master, Governments, other leaders, etc.) plan to try and dampen societal collapse with forceful measures to close/restrict banks, prop up failing financial systems, restrict migrations, etc., surely all realize that this can only be a short term measure. People can be roughly controlled at the point of a gun for sure, but if any form of cooperation (reporting to work, keeping utilities running, goods and food flowing, etc.) is wanted then this type of cooperation is hard to enforce in a Martial Law scenario for any length of time, as the Zetas have stated. I assume that this approach by Bush and others was planned with the "weeks of upheaval" scenario in mind on their part, not an extended period of chaos. Even if Pelosi or another Service-to-Other individual assumes control, they will have very hard decisions to make as the wheels start to come off. Logistically, this "controlled decent into chaos" seems very problematic to me. Can the Zetas comment?

A type of Martial Law will prevail. One can order everyone to stay in their homes, the 'shelter in place' death that Bush and his cohorts would impose on unwanted mouths and have advocated in the face of choas in practice runs via Homeland Security suggestions, or one can allow free movement except for mass migration! Travel restrictions might be road blocks that prevent travel unless one has a legitimate reason to travel - family, a second home, business, etc. This prevents looting gangs from invading another state, for instance. Banks would not close entirely, but would restrict the amount of funds that could be withdrawn at any given day, and would have restricted hours. This does not prevent withdrawals, but prevents a run on the bank! The controlled decent into chaos would likely be in place piecemeal, as matters deteriorate, not all at once with a decree.

I really enjoyed the new ZT about 2007 crop circles. Since then several more have been laid. I know that you don't want to decipher every circle laid, but a couple of them seem to suggest piercing the ecliptic, however I've been wrong about what crop circles mean many times. This first one, they laid several designs that were almost lost due to growth since they weren't discovered right away.

Earth upside down! We have stated that the 6 days of sunrise West are an over-reaction of the Earth during the 3 day of darkness, where the N Pole of Earth is pushed violently away by Planet X and not only rolls to point directly out into space, but over compensates and literally turns the Earth upside down for days, thus the Sun appearing to rise in the West as rotation continues as before. This does not cause a pole shift, the crust tearing away from the core, as the hour of the shift does, as this is a slow tip. But for the inhabitants of Planet Earth, a terrifying time!

I am getting a guilt trip on preparing for the shift. Family and friends are in denial,so there will not be enough food and supplies to go around. The golden rule is in trouble here.

We have stated that the coming pole shift is a great opportunity for decisions, movement toward the Service-to-Other or Service-to-Self orientation. These are not easy decisions! Most strongly Service-to-Other actions have an element of sacrifice on the part of the entity taking the action. All strongly Service-to-Self actions affect other entities badly. Our advice when being in a group that is affected by food shortages is to discuss the matter with all and make group decisions. Should the aged eat, while the toddler gets brain damaged from lack of food? If obesity is in the group, then make these individuals eat weeds for vitamins, perhaps an egg a day for protein, and live off their fat! Those individuals who bring food into the group, who know how to garden or hunt, or the nursing mother who is feeding perhaps several babies, should be considered first. These are decisions that many cultures around the world deal with daily!

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23.Juni 2007:

In one month passed, Planet X was 150° degrees in relation the Earth. And now where degree is Planet X in relation the Earth. Also in the prophecies speaks very in the meteor rain, because the Zetas does not speak on the occurrence meteor rain?

Planet X is at present somewhat stalled, not having progressed much, which is not to say that sudden motion is not around the corner. This is not a linear matter! The Bible, and the Kolbrin, which relay stories of the past pole shifts such as the Flood and the Exodus, describe hail stones cutting down the crops, cutting the trees to shreds. We have spoken of the destruction the whipping tail of Planet X can and will bring to parts of the globe. This is not universal, but it cannot be predicted as to what parts of the globe will get the worst. These hail storms occur in the days prior to the passage, which is a time when humanity should be under shelters.

Will Service-to-Other souls that perish in the shift incarnate into the new hybrid bodies, or are there different souls already inhabiting said hybrids?

Some human souls have already incarnated into hybrid bodies, and even into full blood Zeta bodies. The issue of whether to incarnate again into human form is one discussed by the Birthing Guides and the soul in question. There are many variables. Those souls incarnating into Zeta or Hybrid bodies are preparing to be of service when the pole shift hits, are grown, and educated, in a role that will count. Those souls that need a lesson particular to 3rd Density on Earth, the battle between good and evil, are placed on Earth in an appropriate setting. This is very much dependent on the maturity of the soul, and their chosen roles.

Will Zetan (and other galactic species) flying craft be seen in the skies post-shift with regularity? I mean, will it be 'open' communication with the populace, or will the Zetas restrict themselves to the 4th density and simply await the full Transformation?

This likewise is a matter dependent upon the readiness of the humans who will be seeing these craft. Some parts of the globe, some communities, are so receptive that conscious contact with alien lifeforms will occur during and after the shift. As we have stated, having been shook up, literally, they are open to almost anything and such encounters will not increase anxiety. Other parts of the globe, other communities, will not even see mass sightings, such is the fear likely to be engendered. If they have been told these are demons in the sky, and have no other way of knowing, then this would not be helpful to them. Thus, it depends, again, on location, location, location.

Overall, what area in the entire world will be the better area (for trees and water and food) 5 years after the passage? Just curious as I won't be surviving due to insulin dependence.

We have stated that the Earth will take 25 years to clear from volcanic gloom, and this on a steadily decreasing basis so it is not all deep gloom for the 25 years. Some parts of the globe will have sunshine on occasion, amid the cloud cover. Other parts, those immediately downwind from burping volcanoes, may have gloom for closer to 40 years, as Moses experienced. Thus, it depends on location, location, location!

My English is very bad, but, the governments believes that it has the control of the world, passes over everything to remain itself the to be able, looks at the people as a product that paid the taxes that keeps them the to be able, at the moment where, it will have beginning the occurrences, the most able and defenseless government will go to abuse the authority with the population?

This depends on the country, on the government, on who is in charge in the government. All these matters can change about, as people will be in a state of panic and this includes those in charge! A country such as Sweden, which is a social democracy, is expected to tell its citizens what is coming and help them move to high ground and address the issue of survival in the Aftertime. Perhaps they will close their borders, but will not become autocratic. On the other hand, if those in charge panic or go mentally ill, as 43% of the population is expected to do to some degree, the whole approach may be entirely different! Where a country is controlled by a dictatorship, it is likely to become more hardened and cruel, yes. But then, there may be a coup, with the dictator killed and someone kind and wise taking charge! One should, thus, prepare for either eventuality.

Can the Zetas provide an update on PX's roll progress, Earth's orbital position and the position of PX on the line drawn from the Sun to the Earth? Last September it was stated as 43% along, 57% to go.

Planet X is closer to 45% along on a path between Sun and Earth, the struggle with switching its alignment from the Sun's magnetic flow lines below the Ecliptic to an alignment above the Ecliptic affecting its progress. It should be recalled that we have stated that the passage itself does not occur when Planet X has approached Earth as much as it is affected by the magnetic alignment. In the last weeks, the Earth draws closer to Planet X. We have stated that the passage occurs when Planet X is at the midpoint between Earth and Sun, standing at the Ecliptic and directly between Earth and Sun so as to negate the magnetic dominance of the Sun. 45% along would seem to be the midpoint, but Planet X is not at the Ecliptic as yet, is slightly under the Ecliptic. Nor has the 270° roll progressed to the point where Planet X is about to roll upright, pulling Earth alongside it until it is 14 million miles between the Earth and Planet X, to cause a rotation stop. Just when all this will happen, we are not saying!

Many times you have explained the reason for not giving a specific date for the pole shift and this is also very understandable. But more generally, will there be any point in the next time, where you will tell the public: "Now be ready, the poleshift/3 days of darkness/ will be happening in 1 month", or the other option, not to tell the specific date to any time, so the governments are kept clueless not knowing when to declare Martial Law. With this second option it would mean that we should never expect any date from ZetaTalk, but instead should be watching the signs and the skies to know when to leave to our shelters.

We have been very clear, in ZetaTalk, in detailing the steps that will occur going into the pole shift. These are endlessly repeated also. This is what people should use as a guide, as by the time these 4 months leading into the pole shift commence, there will be no doubt what is occurring. A strong lean to the left, where the Earth is almost falling to her side. What else could that mean? Be aware that we have stated that by the time of the pole shift, the months leading into the pole shift, that satellites will be almost completely useless. This will cut into communications, cut into the Internet. You should not be expecting to necessarily be in contact with ourselves, with new ZetaTalk, at that time. It is the signs that we have detailed, that you should be looking for!

Just in this time period, between the 3 days of darkness and the pole shift, will there be normal sunsets again? Will the people wake up at this point and realize what they are about to face or will it still take them till the poleshift itself to face reality?

After the severe lean to the left, with violent wobble and lurch leading into this, and 3 days of darkness, and 6 days of the Earth being upside down with a sunrise West, the Earth will right itself. Yes, there will be normal days then but this leads directly into a slowing rotation with the Earth drawn toward Planet X so the Sun and Planet X both increase in size, in the view from Earth, and heated days. All this hardly means that people will assume things are normal again. But as we have stated, there will be many into hardened denial, who will claim that nothing is wrong and try to go about their day, showing up for work, making plans for the future as though nothing is amiss.

What do the Zetas think of neighborhoods organizing for self survival and mutual support during and after the shift. Small groups seem like the best option to avoid governent workers yet provide mutual support and defense of an area.

Small groups, operating in the Service-to-Other, are the ticket for survival. Know your team mates, so as to not be taken advantage of by strangers. Family and friends, those you have known for years, are unlikely to surprise you. A second important factor is the orientation of family and friends as those in the Service-to-Self should not be included in your plans! They are opportunists, and the pole shift opens many opportunities.

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30.Juni 2007:

Can the Zetas comment to what extent the ability to safely live in cities will break down prior to the last weeks? When people start to panic, riot, and commit crimes, due to financial or food pressures, fears, anger at governments etc. Will city dwellers have the ability to sustain themselves and their families safely and defend themselves from chaos? Should they plan on neighborhood watch teams to repel those intent on harm or is flight from urban areas well ahead of the shift the best option? [and from another] UN: Half the World Soon to Be in Cities [Jun 27] Most of humanity will be living in cities by next year, raising the threat of increased poverty and religious extremism unless the needs of growing urban populations are met, the U.N. said Wednesday. Some 3.3 billion people will live in cities by 2008, a report by the U.N. population agency report said.

Cities will be death traps, as we have endlessly explained. The problem is not just when this will start, as a strong wobble, a lean to the left, will cause the establishment in many countries to impose travel restrictions. Rioting will break out, as the populace may be in panic, and Martial Law will be imposed on cities first, even in countries very liberal with their populace. Travel restrictions are seen as a way of protecting the citizenry from rioting and looting. Just imagine a city populace pouring out into the countryside! How would this be policed? At best, cities will be empied into tent cities, where starvation sets in due to food shortages and distribution problems and brutal control over rioting is enforced. Thus, the fact that cities are death traps may be a door that slams shut for city dwellers at the very onset of severe Earth changes. What will occur in cities? Starvation as food runs out, looting and roiting as the police become overwhelmed or leave the areas, buildings toppling down on the populace, hospitals overwhelmed, sewage rupturing into the streets and ruining drinking water, and an inability to escape this mess. Few will last or escape, and this will be the case in all countries.

The Zetas have said some communities will be given perpetual power packs after the pole shift. Do they more items they will deliver like this?

We have stated that those communities under control of solidly Service-to-Other individuals might find seed packs on their doorstep, or medicines to meet the needs of those ill within their communities. In these matters, humans, such as Nancy or others who might be familiar to those in the communitiy, recognized by name or appearance, will act as intermediaries. Another assist will be distribution of goods, where an abandoned farm might have implements needed elsewhere, and these suddenly appear near the community in need. Skills absent in one community can be given to another via training sessions on space ships, or the arrival of a stranger into the community recognized almost instantly by most, as they have already been introduced on a space ship! There will be assists to meet almost every conceivable need, for those in the Service-to-Other.

Will it be harder for people to survive if the pole shift happens during the Fall/Winter rather than Spring/Summer?

We have described the lean to the left, which will lay the Earth out on her side for an even basking under the Sun from pole to pole. There will, during these weeks, be no Winter or Summer. Likewise the 3 days of darkness, which will plunge the lands in the Northern Hemisphere into cold, a factor that will tend to distribute heat and cold unexpectedly. Then the slowing to a stop of rotation, which will put certain lands under the sun without end, and others into a protracted dawn or dusk or night. During all of this, the atmosphere will waft about, many violent storms, distributing the heat and cold. Then there is the factor of the Earth drawing closer to Planet X during rotation stoppage, which increases the heat being distributed by violent winds and storms. All told, it will probably not matter much what the season is. And in any case, for us to make a statement would be to give the establishment a clue as to timing, which we have on many occasions stated we would not do.

What advice can the zeta's give to young people living a double life struggling to satisfy family, social and financial responsibilities while securing a future for after the shift. What should be the focus; planning and preparation for the aftertime or spreading the truth. In terms of soul development and orientation, what would be the quicker route for those who wish to ascend to higher densities. Prolonging the human life through survival and remaining under the radar (passive) or pushing for change and truth about Planet X by whatever means available (activism) regardless of the outcome or termination of the human life? Does spreading knowledge and truth count towards helping people even if it falls on deaf ears or they don't fully grasp it? How can one make a survival community or group while remaining under the radar without being thought of as insane?

We have often stated that the orientation of an individual is expressed best by action. Running away to another incarnation is not the answer when one is young and healthy and is aware of what is coming and what to do about it. You will be needed in the Aftertime to help survivors understand what has happened and help guide them into productive activity. Allowing yourself to die is evading your responsibility, in this instance. Of course, this is not the case for someone sick or aged who would be a burden on others, but you'd be surprised at how many oldsters are determined to make a difference and be around through the thick of it! We have likewise stated that even if it seems that your preparations and warnings are falling on deaf ears, that people are registering your information and when the Earth changes make it clear what is happening, they will rush to you and cling, wanting more information than you are able to give. Is it better to remain silent so you are not thought insane? This depends upon your situation! If you are the family support, and the job is needed, then your answer it there. Remain silent in those settings. If you are merely camping with friends, then put your ego aside and talk!

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7.Juli 2007:

With the Trimesters in place, this is a "quiet" time. But events as floods, tornados, heat waves are rampant. I believe the "quiet" time is a lack of major tectonic activity as earthquakes and volcanos. Is that so? When do the Zetas believe this particular time will begin to change - how soon is the next trimester expected?

Eastfield, Jul 7, 2007: Eastfield: We have hinted that high drama will occur during the passage, not yet detailed by ourselves and thus a surprise to the establishment. We hope for the establishment to be discombobulated, so that the cover-up shatters and the truth is blurted out by the media. The approach and exit of Planet X is often depicted in crop circles as increasing and then decreasing circles, the size of Planet X as viewed from Earth. At first, as infinitesimal as a dim star, but at passage as large as the Sun due to its dust cloud and writhing moon swirls. We have stated that Planet X pierces the Ecliptic at approximately the halfway point between the Earth and the Sun, 45 million miles or so. At this point, it stands upright and draws the Earth close to it, for a distance of 14 million miles. At this point, the slowing of Earth's rotation to a stop occurs. This would all seem to imply that a single approach of Planet X to the Earth occurs, as then, after the pole shift, Planet X zooms on out of the solar system. The Eastfiield crop circle implies that Planet X draws near, then retreats, then draws near again during a severe wobble where it seems to be in two places at once in the sky, then draws the Earth close during the rotation stoppage, then takes off again. At present, Planet X lies close to the Sun in the line of view, so close as to be lost in the glare. Planet X is closing the gap, coming ever closer and will come near enough to be visible to many on Earth. But as we have explained, the Point of Passage places Planet X further from the Earth, as shown by the angles of the ZetaTalk Triangle which appeared in two Wisconsin crop circles on July 4, 2003. As Planet X swings its N Pole toward Earth, there is a clash, the N Pole of Planet X wanting to evade the N Pole of Earth, and vice versa. Thus, Earth pushes back in her orbit as far as possible, creating this distance, so that Planet X will diminish in size. Nevertheless, Planet X is still coming closer, closing the gap, more distance from the Sun, less distance from Earth, even though offset to the right. How will the establishment explain a temporary appearance of Planet X in the sky, followed by a diminished size offset to the right of the Sun, then a reappearance of Planet X in the sky along with a severe wobble? A dancing asteroid? A permanent solar flare that dances around the Sun? And what of the wobble?

For young, poor, college aged individuals in unsafe locations, what would be the best way to organize a survival community or group? Would it be wise to start an organization at a college or university or would this be asking for trouble? Also, how should the agenda of such a group be presented without being pegged as crazy? Should the premise be basic, just-in-case, survival or should the group be based on fundamental principals such as the golden rule and survival secondary? What about towns along the Mexican border? Will these places turn chaotic and thus should be avoided or will there be harmony among the communities as people come together to help eachother? With the border wall issue and immigrant detention centers popping up in those areas, does this indicate that the US establishment is planning on forcing it's border citizens into forced labor camps? Does protesting help or should people just move away?

There are as many approaches as there are individuals. In some cases, people are moving to areas based on being guided, by being contactees, so that communities are naturally forming with a Service-to-Other bent. In other cases, people are aware they are not in a safe location and are planning to move, without actually knowing consciously where they are planning to go or whom they are expecting to meet! Introductions are made on space ships, and these individuals will follow their hunches when the time comes. We have always suggested using the past geologic record of the earth, as a conversation starter "ice breaker," and something that can hardly be argued. Read Velikovsky's book Earth in Upheaval for many instances. Your instincts about the border are on target, as where Bush wants an open border, he cannot state that openly, so there will be a mixed bag there, people trying to guard the border while others are rushing across, in both directions! We have always advised staying out of the heavy traffic lanes, for obvious reasons. Communities should be off the beaten path, and keep a low profile!

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14.Juli 2007:

How long after the pole shift until aliens will live on Earth bringing their advanced technologies to share with us?

Humans are being helped now, if they are the right sort, are highly Service-to-Other and devoted to helping others. They are helped with their health, are being guided to safe locations and into meetings with others of like mind. They are discovering helpful native plants growing nearby them, which suddenly seem to pop up as though planted there. They were planted there! As we have explained, high tech devices will not be shared until after the pole shift due to the danger that Service-to-Self humans will take over these technologies. Immediately after the pole shift, depending upon location and threat of Service-to-Self takeover, survivors will find a helping hand being extended if, that is, they are of the right mindset, the right spiritual orientation, and if no takeover by the Service-to-Self is possible in their location.

How long after the shift do the Polar Caps build ice to become the New Polar Caps?

We have stated that it will take 100 years, approximately, for the new poles to be covered with ice to the extent the existing poles are today. There the similarities end, as due to the switch to 4th density, there will be a dimmer Sun, so the poles will layer up with ice beyond what your Earth has today. This will draw up water from the oceans, revealing more land around the Equator.

Wouldn't a plant superfood that makes plants grow under poor conditions be a tremendous help for farming in the aftertime?

Yes, and this is among the types of assists to be given to survivors in the Service-to-Other.

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21.Juli 2007:

If the ones who are in the survialist racist militias are to be the only ones who survive in the Aftertime won't the US become a one race country at odds with all other?

Humans interpret survival of the pole shift, and life afterwards, in terms of today's standards and expectations. It is supposed that if the military has big tanks and fighter planes, then an arm of the government will be able to suppress the survivors and establish a police state! The public discounts what is required. Food and supplies are required but the broken link will prevail, and internal fights among those wanting to control a militia will be evident. Large military operations will not survive nor be reassembled! Likewise, people discount the survival aspect of spiritual orientation. Service-to-Other groups cooperate closely with each other, support each other, sacrifice for each other, and thus survive in situations where the self focused militaristic units do not. There is a Transformation going on, with a separation of the orientations, so those who are Service-to-Self do not find the virtual slaves they are used to commandeering. They must rely upon themselves, and fume about this, eating themselves up with anger. And finally, those in the Service-to-Other will be assisted by good hearted aliens, who will cloak them from view, so those in the Service-to-Self do not find them. These and other factors mean militias will not be among the survivors during the coming times.

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28.Juli 2007:

The Zetas have repeateded stated that after the pole shift Service-to-Other groups will be shielded from Service-to-Self gangs who will simply not be able to see them in their looting, etc. The only thing I can say for sure if I'm lucky enough to survive the shift is that I'll be in a group of very mixed orientations. I want to know whether such groups might also be hidden from Service-to-Self groups nearby in the same way.

Help will be given to Service-to-Other individuals, wherever they live and in whatever situation. Some Service-to-Other individuals have chosen to work amongst mixed groups as there is great need there and a great opportunity to help humans to realize their potential in choosing to operate as Service-to-Other. So the reward is great but the environment will be a challenge. These individuals are given tremendous support, by like minded visitors who have operated in such scenarios. Thus, it is not just a solidly Service-to-Other community that will get help. It is instead that those Service-to-Other communities that will get unqualified help, where there is no threat of a takeover by the Service-to-Self. In essence, these communities have graduated early to a Service-to-Other life, as it will be in 4th density. For those concerned about assistance, the answer is to look less to how you might get it, and more to what you are doing to deserve it. Highly Service-to-Other individuals don't think about rescue - they think about those they themselves are trying to help! Thus focused, they are often surprised to realize they are getting help, such is their mindset.

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11.August 2007:

The Zetas have mentioned that it is best to be subtle and low key in dealing with friends and family members regarding Planet X and the coming Earth Changes. Many have tried this approach with success being somewhat mixed. I agree that low key is best but overall the progress at this point in time towards awakening people to what lies ahead seems modest to me, at least based on my own experience and observations. People are aware that something is up for sure, but to try and get them to connect the dots is hard. Do the zetas have any additional suggestions? Wait until the earth changes really kick in or press ahead now?

We are endlessly asked this type of question. Our advice has been to not press those in denial, but lay out your case, stressing Earth changes in the past that cannot be denied, or perhaps the Jewish Exodus mentioned in the Bible as an example of the last pole shift. Geological changes in the Earth, with the oceans of the globe dropping, universally, 16-20 feet 3,600 years ago, a fact not argued by scientists, or the demise of the last of the mammoths an estimated 3,500-3,800 years ago as some examples of facts. Be sure to mention what one is to do about the situation, steps that one can take to survive and live afterwards, as even if the arguments are being dismissed, the subconscious records this. When the Earth changes pick up, undeniable evidence of a pending passage, those who can deal with reality will come to you to discuss the matter. Those who cannot will go deeper into denial, and there is nothing you can do about this. Pressing those who are frightened by the message only increases denial. Be low-key.

What do Zetas recommended for the minimum safe distance away from nuclear power plants and nuclear waste sites, to be safe during and after the pole shit? How far does soil contamination from radioactive material reach?

These are variables impossible to put into general guidelines. One power station might have operators who close it down, rendering the station inoperable but likewise safe for the neighborhood. Yet another such station might find the controls breached by earthquakes. Yet another station might be left in operation by operators who panic and flee, such that cracks allow the station to become another Chernobyl. Yet other variables are the size of power stations, how much nuclear material they enclose, and the drift of winds and flow of water which would carry radioactive material. Look at Chernobyl, which contaminated even Sweden by dust, which wafted over many countries. You must thus analyze your own situation and make your own determination. Not being downwind, and above any water flow, would be the best start.

Do you see the infrastructure crumbling soon, economicaly, so we would be forced into a bartering system? Like what kind of level are we at, is it almost so severe that we will go to the barter system before year 2007 ends or withen the first couple months of 2008?

We have stated that mankind will move to the barter system as paper money proves to be worthless. In some areas, the rich will still be trying to force paper money or the value they place on their assets such as jewelry long after the pole shift, but survivors won't be buying. In other areas, moving to the barter system will happen quickly when they cannot withdrawn paper money from savings accounts. In some parts of the world, the barter system is the norm! Thus it depends on many variables.

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18.August 2007:

I have a general question concerning the land/water ratio after the shift. At the moment it is said to be around 30% Land and 70% Water, how will this ratio change in 2 years time after the pole shift, and also in 50 years when the effects on our planets' geology will more or less have ceased?

We have stated that for any given pole shift, where some land slides under the waves, other land pops up, and the general ratio remains the same. This will be true of this pole shift also, but may not be apparent for some years, approximately 100 years or longer. Within 2 years after the shift, the polar ice and all glaciers will melt, and the ocean floors will heave due to being heated by friction and the heat of the roiling core tuning under the crust. This will raise sea level approximately 675 feet, worldwide. As the new poles begin to form ice, pulling water from the oceans, this new sea level will drop until the ratio is returned. Meanwhile, the Earth is taken into 4th Density, with only part of the Sun making this leap, so the Earth will have a dimmer Sun. This will cause the poles to accumulate more ice, but at the same time the tropical areas will have a dropping sea level. Once again, the ratio maintained.

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25.August 2007:

have a question concerning the time after the poleshift. I don't want to say nation or city (since the political structures will be broken in the aftertime like it was said many times on ZetaTalk), but will there be something like a tribe/group/clan or union of communities that people will be looking up to, who will act as a role model or attract people all over the world (or maybe only continent) like a magnet? If so, where geographically would they be emerging? Americas, Eurasia, Africa or maybe the new continent which will rise during the poleshift? Or will the communication between communities be cut to such an extent even after many years that people will not know or maybe also not care about other places?

We have described a world in which satellites will be torn from the skies, and the ability to get back to the technology that existed before the pole shift shattered by the broken link. Distribution of supplies, the availability of skilled labor that has not gone insane to some degree or even survived this shift itself, and the press to simply feed oneself rather than get into long distance communication are some of the problems you will be facing. Short wave may be able to link long distance, as it bounces off the atmosphere or even the Moon, potentially, but this will prove to only be useful for the local areas. Everything has turned around. The compass, directions, climate, all will be different. Your role models will be among you, not long distance, thus.

Earlier we were made to understand, (from other different sources as well) that there would be a separation of Service-to-Self and Service-to-Other. And that the Service-to-Self in particular would become more entrenched in their position so to speak. Is this something that we ought to be aware of yet at this time? Are the disruption attempts on this thread and the nearly everpresent hateful threads on this forum indicative of this trend?

Polarization of the orientations is discernable on many fronts. One is political, with the Democrats wanting health care for children and Bush refusing to fund this, Democrats wanting higher minimum wage for the poor while the Republicans refused to bring this to a vote when they were in charge of Congress. We are often asked why we have a political position, on US politics, and this is the reason! We are Service-to-Other Zetas, and align with those who care for others. Another front is regional, with certain cities or states or countries getting a reputation for helping their downtrodden, with fair courts and the like, and yet others more repressive. Compare Sweden and the Taliban in Afghanistan, for instance, and guess which is leaning to Service-to-Other and which leans to Service-to-Self behavior. You can carry this comparison down into corporations, into suburbs and small towns, into associations, into media outlets like Fox or Link TV, and it is not hard to see the polarization. This will continue, up to and beyond the pole shift.

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